Thursday 22 December 2011

Win some braid!

The Daiwa lure still hasn't been won so have a go guys - you've got a good chance if you're quick !
Next up is a spool of Avani Sea Bass braid (23lb) usual please use real names & just one post per person - this time the 2nd comment wins.

Q:  What is the Latin name for the European Sea Bass?

Oh and no silly comments about the phrase "European Sea Bass" - its just to clarify what answer we are looking for ;o)


  1. hi

    latin = Dicentrarchus labrax
    portugal = Robalo :))

  2. Hi

    Dicentrarchus labrax

    I hope to have luck again

    Daniel Pereira
    From Portugal

  3. I believe the correct answer is Dicentrarchus labrax

    Renata Carvalho ;)
